Through this program, you will study with faculty leading new and innovative research and teaching practices associated with literacy education, explore multimodal approaches to instruction, and engage with diverse communities.
Degree Type: Masters
Degree Program Code: MED_READ
Degree Program Summary:
The goal of the reading education program is to generate and disseminate scholarship that increases an understanding of how people become literate and how literacy can enhance the quality of their lives. We accomplish this through scholarly research and publication, and through advanced degree programs designed to prepare educators to teach literacy in schools. In addition, the department develops future scholars for the discipline, and engages in various service activities designed to promote literacy at the local, state, national, and international levels.
The mission of the department is to:
- Instill within teachers and prospective teachers a knowledge of methods and materials appropriate to teaching reading at the elementary, middle, secondary, or post-secondary school levels.
- Conduct research and disseminate findings to generate new knowledge about reading and reading instruction.
- Disseminate knowledge about reading and the teaching of reading through teaching, writing for publication, and presenting papers at professional meetings.
- Develop scholars, particularly at the doctoral level, who will contribute to reading instruction, research, and service at the local, state, and national levels.
- Advise and assist public schools and private schools, colleges, private industries, and federal and state agencies in the improvement of their reading curriculum and instruction.
- Develop improved methods and instructional materials for teaching reading.
- Provide courses and programs that satisfy certification requirements of teachers who seek to renew or extend their certification.
- Provide leadership and resources that allow educators to stay abreast of new developments in the field of reading.
- Provide intensive clinical diagnostic services to a limited number of clients from all parts of Georgia.
- Provide remedial reading instruction for a limited number of clients from the Athens area.
Locations Offered:
Athens (Main Campus)
College / School:
Mary Frances Early College of Education
110 Carlton Street
Athens, GA 30602
Language and Literacy Education
Graduate Coordinator(s):