The Gateway to Graduate School Bridge Program allows incoming graduate students from historically underrepresented/underserved populations, including first-generation and rural college students, to begin their graduate education at the University of Georgia (UGA) in the summer semester rather than the fall. To participate, students must be admitted to the University of Georgia, receive funding from their department or other campus entity, and be nominated for this program by the Graduate Coordinator for their department. The purpose of the Gateway program is to provide students with an intellectual, professional, and social introduction to UGA as they transition into graduate education.

If you are interested in participating in the Gateway to Graduate School Summer Bridge Program, please reach out to your Graduate Coordinator for more information on nominations, program dates, and requirements.


Congratulations to the 2024 Gateway Cohort

Daylin Delgado
Psychology, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Tyler Foote
Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Aniya Johnson
Linguistics, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Rita Malouf
Special Education, Mary Frances Early College of Education

Constance Owl
History, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Janiah Rakestraw
Integrated Life Sciences, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Miya Tate
Social Work, School of Social Work


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