Mentor-Mentee Compacts for Academia

Graduate students and faculty members may find it beneficial to use mentorship compacts to communicate goals and expectations for working together. The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) maintains a list of example mentor-mentee compacts that can be adapted for use in graduate mentoring relationships.


Individual Development Plans

There are numerous free resources that you can use to facilitate career planning and exploration. Examples include ImaginePhD and MyIDP. These sites will allow students to create an individual development plan (IDP) – a tailored professional development itinerary for your graduate career based on skills, interests, and goals.

Students and faculty interested in structured mentoring conversations may consider using Individual Development Plans (IDPs) as a way of guiding interactions with their mentor/mentee.

Click here to submit the IDP and  here to submit the MMC.

Resources from the Council of Graduate Schools


National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)

NRMN focuses implementing and disseminating innovative and evidence-based mentoring practices in research settings. Visit their website for resources for students, faculty, and researchers at all career stages.


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