Many degree programs at the University of Georgia offer scholarships and fellowships to students in their units. Information regarding these departmental awards may be found by visiting the departmental websites.

The following fellowships and scholarships are managed through the Graduate School. Nominations must come from the graduate coordinator, so please contact yours for more information. Additionally, please also see our resource page on external funding.

Information on individual scholarships & fellowships

George Hugh Boyd Memorial Scholarship


All graduate students are eligible. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable subject to review of satisfactory academic progress.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to attract and retain students who exhibit high moral and academic standards and a philosophy of giving back to the community the best they have to offer. They should be interested in the problems of the University and the nation as well as the preservation of mankind and the environment. Recipients are known as Boyd Scholars.

About George Hugh Boyd

Dr. George Hugh Boyd (1921-1994) was a parasitologist who taught and served as head of the zoology (now cellular biology) department, chair of Biological Sciences, dean of the Graduate School, and UGA’s first director of General Research in his 33-year association with the University of Georgia. In dedicating his life to education and research, Dr. Boyd was lauded as a distinguished pioneer of graduate education by his peers.

List of Awardees


Alfred E. Brown Scholarship


All graduate students are eligible. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Preference is given to students from Laurens County, Georgia. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to fund students who exhibit exemplary leadership and academic accomplishment.

About Alfred E. Brown

A native of Dublin, Georgia, Alfred Edmondson Brown (1929-1986) graduated from UGA with a business degree after which he pursued interests in the stock market, real estate investing, and family genealogy. He was the brother of Dr. Annella Brown, one of the first ten women surgeons in the United States. Dr. Brown created this “scholarship of knowledge” in his memory.

List of Awardees


M. Terry and Elizabeth S. Coffey Graduate Fellowship


All graduate students are eligible. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable. The selection committee shall give preference in this order:

  1. Students who are the first members of their immediate families to earn a baccalaureate degree and who wish to pursue an advanced degree
  2. Students who have graduated from public colleges or universities
  3. Non-traditional students who are going back to college to get a second degree
  4. Students who have accumulated student loans in the course of their undergraduate study
  5. Students who might not be able to pursue a graduate degree without financial assistance

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this fellowship is to support an outstanding student in a graduate program. Fund may be used for tuition, living expenses, and other special expenses incurred in the course of graduate study.

About Dr. M. Terry and Elizabeth S. Coffey

Dr. M. Terry Coffey received three degrees from the University of Georgia – B.S.A., M.S., and Ph.D., and his wife Elizabeth earned an A.B.J. As an agricultural scientist and business leader Dr. Coffey has worked for Murphy Brown LLC in Wilmington, NC and is a founding member of UGA’s Graduate Education Advancement Board.

List of Awardees


Christopher G. Cooper Graduate Fellowship


All graduate students are eligible; preference is given to doctoral students. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide support for graduate students with an assistantship through the Graduate School.

About Christopher G. Cooper

Christopher George Cooper (1948-2021) was a clinical psychologist in Savannah who received his PhD in psychology from the University of Georgia. He was a supporter of the University of Georgia Graduate School for many years.

Mary Erlanger Graduate Fellowship


Doctoral students studying and/or conducting research on aging. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Competitive renewal for multiple years based on nominees’ academic standing and performance.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide support to encourage exceptional graduate-level study and research related to aging, including but not limited to applied social sciences, fields of gerontology, geriatrics, mental health, public health, social work, as well as interdisciplinary and emerging fields of study. This fellowship will provide support to a graduate student(s) with excellent academic and leadership qualities.

About Mary Erlanger

Dr. Mary Arnold Erlanger (1922-2022) was an early advocate in the field of gerontology. After receiving her M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Counseling at UGA, she founded the Athens Associates for Counseling & Psychotherapy and served UGA as clinical faculty, doctoral student supervisor, and member of the Graduate Education Advancement Board (GEAB), among many other community roles.

List of Awardees


Frank R. & Louise Hoffmaster Etchberger Graduate Scholarship


First-year graduate student with a GRE score comparable to a 1400 on a 1600 scale (or equivalent). Preference is given to a student pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable annually by maintaining a minimum 3.6 overall GPA.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to support a first-year graduate student who has achieved a high GRE score.

About Frank R. & Louise Hoffmaster Etchberger

Frank Raymond Etchberger (1920-2008) and his wife Louise Hoffmaster Etchberger (1920-1997) lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Louise attended the University of Georgia as a mathematics major and was a charter member of Pi Beta Phi while also participating in the Glee Club and Debate Team. Frank worked with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and held a patent for a Jet lift arrangement.

List of Awardees


J.W. Fanning Graduate Fellowship Fund


Graduate students with financial need demonstrated with FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), exemplary leadership, and academic accomplishment. Domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable for up to three years by reapplying.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this fellowship is to provide support to student(s) in good standing with excellent leadership and academic qualities and demonstrated financial need.

About J. W. Fanning

A farmer’s son from Wilkes and Taliaferro counties in Georgia, John William Fanning (1905-1997) received his degrees in agricultural economics at UGA and pursued his life-long purpose of promoting leadership and community development around the state. UGA’s J. W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development continues this work. This graduate fellowship fund was established through a bequest of Reginald and Edna Katherine Kicklighter.

List of Awardees


Orlin Kenyon Fletcher, Jr. Scholarship


Graduate student in the sciences. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

This fund was established to provide scholarships for students enrolled in science research studies at the University of Georgia.

About Orlin Kenyon Fletcher, Jr.

Orlin K. Fletcher, Jr. (1908-1975) from Augusta, Georgia was a medical entomologist with a biology degree from the University of Georgia. He served in a variety of public health roles in the state of Georgia and was president of the Georgia Entomological Society.

List of Awardees


Beverly Hirsh Frank Graduate Fellowship


Doctoral graduate students in life and physical sciences with assistantship. Preference is for students underrepresented in their field. International and domestic master’s and doctoral students may be nominated. Competitive renewal for a maximum of five years.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this fellowship is to support and encourage exceptional graduate-level study and research in all fields of life and physical sciences with emphasis in interdisciplinary and emerging fields. This fellowship will be used as a “top up” or “add-on” award, with no additional work obligations, to supplement a Graduate School or departmental research assistantship.

About Beverly Hirsh Frank

Originally from Macon, Georgia, Beverly Hirsh Frank (1932-2020) graduated with honors from UGA in 1954 and was celebrated for her leadership and academic achievements. She continued her education with a graduate degree from Radcliffe College and then resided in New York, remaining a staunch supporter of the University of Georgia through her support of women in the sciences.

List of Awardees


Goizueta Foundation Graduate Scholars Fund Assistantships


Graduate students who speak Spanish, have experience with and knowledge of issues in Hispanic education, have an outstanding academic record, will commit to Hispanic education and outreach after completion of graduate school, and have family in the United States are eligible.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the Goizueta Foundation Graduate Scholars Fund is to provide support to outstanding University of Georgia graduate students who are dedicated to Hispanic educational improvement. It is expected that these scholars will contribute to Hispanic educational improvement in the United States after they complete graduate school.

About the Goizueta Foundation

The Goizueta Foundation is a family foundation established in memory of Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of Coca-Cola. The foundation is dedicated to Hispanic educational advancement in the state of Georgia. The Goizueta Foundation funds a Center for Hispanic Educational Advancement housed in UGA’s College of Education.

List of Awardees


Graduate Education Advancement Board (GEAB) Fellowship


All graduate students are eligible; preference is given to doctoral students. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this fellowship is to recruit, support, and encourage exceptional graduate-level students who will study and conduct research in all fields with preference given to doctoral students. Currently, the award is offered as an assistantship to doctoral students.

About the Graduate Education Advancement Board (GEAB)

The Graduate Education Advancement Board was established in 2005 as a fundraising body to support graduate education and students at UGA. The board’s members provide the Graduate School with advising and stewardship of donor funds.

List of Awardees


Joel Terry Hunt Graduate Studies Fellowship in Engineering


Graduate students in the College of Engineering, with first preference given to entering graduate students wishing to pursue an advanced Engineering degree. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable for two years for a master’s student and five years for a doctoral student.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide support for an exceptional graduate student(s) in the College of Engineering. Recipient(s) should be of high moral character, demonstrated by community service, volunteering, and/or leadership activities. Recipients are chosen based on merit, and first preference will be given to entering graduate students wishing to pursue an advanced Engineering degree.

About Joel Terry Hunt

Joel Terry Hunt is an engineer in Valdosta, Georgia. The fellowship fund was created by Charles Terry Hunt and Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt.

List of Awardees


Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt & Matthew Alan Hunt Graduate Studies Fellowship in English


Graduate students in the Department of English. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated.  Renewable two years for a master’s candidate and five years for a Ph.D. candidate.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fund is to provide support to an exceptional graduate student(s) in the Department of English. Recipient(s) of the award will be chosen based on merit. The fellowship can be renewed for two years for a master’s student and five years for a Ph.D. student.

About Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt and Matthew Alan Hunt

Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt and Matthew Alan Hunt, her son, are both graduates of The University of Georgia. The scholarship was created by Mary’s husband Charles Terry Hunt, a member of the Graduate Education Advancement Board, on the occasion of their 44th wedding anniversary.

List of Awardees


Hamilton Lokey Graduate Scholarship


Graduate students who attended the University of Georgia as undergraduates are eligible. Students must have an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or class standing in the top 30% of students in the applicant’s major. Students eligible for assistance from the fund must have exhibited a need for scholarship assistance in addition to academic excellence. The need is not based on the need criteria used in the Office of Financial Aid. Instead, preference will be given to a student who has worked during his or her undergraduate career to help pay for educational costs. Evidence of such employment will be required in the form of written documentation from the student’s employer.) International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable up to three years provided student is in good academic standing defined as in the top 50% in that student’s course of study.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize outstanding undergraduate students who have attended the University of Georgia and wish to continue their studies by enrolling in a graduate level program at UGA.

About Hamilton Lokey

Mr. Hamilton Lokey, Sr. (1910-1996) was an alumnus of UGA who graduated with an A.B. and a juris doctorate from the UGA School of Law in 1933. An attorney in Atlanta, he also served in the Georgia General Assembly as a representative from Fulton County and was among the founders of Help Our Public Education (H.O.P.E.), a non-profit established to prevent schools from closing during desegregation. His friends honored him by creating a scholarship fund in his name.

List of Awardees


Gwinn Henry Nixon Scholarship


Graduate of Augusta University pursuing graduate degree at the University of Georgia. Need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, should be considered in award determination, but it is not a prerequisite for eligibility. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide a one-year merit scholarship of at least $5,000 to a graduate of Augusta University pursuing a graduate degree at the University of Georgia. Intelligence, character, scholarship, personality, and manner shall be the principles by which a candidate stands out among his or her peers and shall be used in selecting recipients.

About Gwinn Henry Nixon

Gwinn Henry Nixon (1861-1920) grew up in Augusta, Georgia and attended the University of Georgia where he received his A.B. degree with honors. A former student and teacher at The Academy of Richmond County (a forerunner of Augusta University), Nixon became a cotton broker. The scholarship fund was established in his memory by his family to preserve the connection between Augusta University and the University of Georgia.

List of Awardees


Osborne Graduate Fellowships for Students in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences


Graduate students in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Additional details determined by Franklin College.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this fellowship is to support outstanding students who are underrepresented in their fields. The definition of underrepresented should be discipline-specific and may include such factors as gender, race/ethnicity, military veteran status, disability, and/or first-generation student.

About Dr. Robert Travis Osborne

Dr. Robert Travis Osborne (1913-2013) earned an M.S., M.Ed., and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Dr. Osborne was a professor in the psychology department at UGA and served as director of the Guidance Center which later became the Counseling and Testing Center.

List of Awardees


Cynthia Parker Graduate Student Fellowship


Graduate students in the School of Social Work. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Additional details determined by the School of Social Work.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fund is to provide support for graduate students in the School of Social Work.

About Cynthia Parker

Cynthia Todd Parker (1925-2010) from Anderson, SC became a long-time resident of Athens, Georgia and supporter of the University of Georgia where her husband John Reid Parker was a faculty member. She served in various roles including the American Cancer Society and UGA’s Independent Study office.

Phelps-Stokes Graduate Fellowship


Graduate students from the following departments are eligible: agricultural & applied economics, economics, education, history, political science, public administration & policy, social work, or sociology. The recipient must study Black American individuals in U.S. society. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The fund for this fellowship was established to support the study of Black Americans in U.S. society by graduate students at the University of Georgia.  Each recipient shall prepare a thesis on this work to be submitted to the Graduate School.

About Phelps Stokes

Caroline Phelps Stokes (1854-1909) was a philanthropist in New York City. The graduate fellowship was established in 1911 by the authorization of a monetary gift to the University of Georgia from the Phelps-Stokes Fund at the bequest of her estate.

List of Awardees


Phibro Animal Health Graduate Fellowship


This fellowship is open to doctoral students. Recipients will be selected based on academic excellence and the relevance of their research interests to medicated feed additives and animal health in the global marketplace. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Competitive renewal based on academic standing and performance.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fellowship is to support top doctoral students in their research related to animal nutrition and health. Recipients will be selected from students in a wide range of schools and colleges conducting basic and applied research in animal health in such areas as agriculture and veterinary medicine, and well as emerging fields.

About Phibro Animal Health

The Phibro Animal Health Corporation develops, produces, and distributes animal health, vaccines, and mineral nutrition products for companion and livestock animals.

List of Awardees


South Georgia Graduate Fellowship


Master’s and doctoral students are eligible. Recipients must be a native of South Georgia, enrolled in an advanced degree program in any school, college or unit at UGA, and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The following are included as South Georgia counties for this award: Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ben Hill, Berrien, Brantley, Brooks, Calhoun, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Echols, Grady, Irwin, Lanier, Lee, Lowndes, Miller, Mitchell, Pierce, Seminole, Terrell, Thomas, Tift, Turner, Ware, and Worth. Renewable on a year-to-year basis for a maximum of two years for master’s programs and five years for doctoral programs.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fellowship, provided by the University of Georgia Foundation, is to provide financial support for graduate students at UGA who are from South Georgia.

About the Fund

The University of Georgia Foundation was established in 1937 to enrich the quality of education at the University of Georgia through its support of scholarships, endowed chairs and professorships, and other educational programs that rely on private funds.

List of Awardees


Carl and Pat Swearingen Fellowship for Graduate Students


All graduate students are eligible to apply. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the fund is to provide fellowship support for an outstanding graduate student at the University of Georgia.

About Carl and Pat Swearingen

Carl and Pat Swearingen are long-time supporters of graduate education at the University of Georgia. Carl Swearingen was named a 2013 Graduate School Alumni of Distinction recipient and has served on many Georgia educational and public service boards, including several by Georgia gubernatorial appointment.

UGA Alumni Association Endowed Graduate Scholarship


All first-time graduate students are eligible to apply. Applicant must possess demonstrated leadership skills, strong academic accomplishment, and financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Renewable for two years for a master’s student and five years for a doctoral student based on confirmation of satisfactory academic progress.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide support to a student enrolling in graduate school for the first time.

About the UGA Alumni Association

The UGA Alumni Association advances the academic excellence, interests, and traditions of Georgia’s flagship university by inspiring engagement through relevant programming, enhanced connections and effective communications.

List of Awardees


University Woman's Club Dianne C. Davison Scholarship


Must be a resident of Georgia and current doctoral student with a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Non-renewable.

Purpose of Award

The purpose of the award is to support a resident of Georgia with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. The recipient is known as the Dianne C. Davison scholar.

About Dianne C. Davison

Dr. Dianne Castle Davison (1929-2005) was among the first few women to receive her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from UGA. She operated a veterinary practice, worked as a researcher, and served as the first lady of UGA during her husband Fred’s tenure (1967-1986). The scholarship fund was established on the occasion of her husband Fred’s resignation as President of the University of Georgia. The scholarship was established by the University Woman’s Club to celebrate the University of Georgia Bicentennial in 1985.

List of Awardees


Jane S. & Harry Willson Graduate Fellowship


All graduate students are eligible to apply. International and domestic doctoral and master’s students may be nominated. Renewable for two years for master’s students and an additional three years (five years total) for doctoral students.

Purpose of Award

This fellowship was established to recognize excellence in graduate education.

About Jane S. & W. Harry Willson

Jane Seddon Willson (1923-2015) and Harry Willson (1920-2004) founded Sunnyland Farms in Albany, a large mail-order distributer of premium pecans and other fine foods. Together they were generous benefactors to the University of Georgia whose support of UGA’s centers, schools, scholarships and buildings spanned many disciplines across campus.

List of Awardees


Wormsloe Graduate Fellows


All doctoral and master’s degree students whose research is planned to take place at or have as its subject the Wormsloe site near Savannah, Georgia are eligible to apply.

Purpose of Award

This fellowship was established to recognize and support graduate student research that aligns with the aims of the Wormsloe Foundation and the Center for Research and Education at Wormsloe.

About the Wormsloe Foundation

The Wormsloe Foundation was created to study, document, and protect the unique cultural and natural setting and history of Wormsloe and coastal Georgia. For more information on the Center for Research and Education at Wormsloe, please see

Call for Nominations


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