2016 Fall Food Drive - UGA Graduate School

2016 Fall Food Drive

The Graduate School and Graduate-Professional Student Association (GPSA) invite all members of the graduate community to participate in our annual Fall Food Drive, November 1-11, 2016.

All donations of non-perishable food goods collected between Tuesday, November 1, and Friday morning, Nov. 11, will be taken to the Northeast Georgia Food Bank. Donations may be dropped off at the Graduate School in Terrell Hall, 210 S. Jackson Street, the GPSA office on the lower level of the Tate Center on the Athens campus, or a participating graduate organization/department. Donation pick-up can also be arranged by contacting Judy Milton at the Graduate School, jmilton@uga.edu or 706-542-6086, or Jessica Chappell, GPSA Director of Community Outreach, jchapp@uga.edu.

The participating organization and their drop-off locations are:

OrganizationDrop-off Location
Department of Public Administration and Policy204 Baldwin
Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA)Outside of 105, Aderhold Hall (Math & Science Education)
MGSA, Microbiology Graduate Student Organization5th floor BioSciences, near Microbiology Office
Warnell Graduate Student AssociationLobby of Warnell Building 2
Psychology Graduate Student CommitteePsychology Department main office, 2nd floor Psychology Building.
Ecology Graduate Student AssociationEcology Building lobby.

If your student organization or department would like to participate in the food drive, please let us know so that we can include your organization’s name and location for making donations on the Graduate School and the GPSA websites and Facebook pages.

These are the most needed items by the food bank:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Soups
  • Chili and Beef Stew
  • Canned Fruits and Vegetables
  • Canned Pasta
  • Canned Chicken and Tuna
  • Cereal
  • Rice
  • Pasta & Sauce
  • Dried or Canned Beans

Non-food items needed:

  • Paper products
  • Diapers
  • Toiletries

The Northeast Georgia Food Bank (http://foodbanknega.org/) provides emergency food assistance to over 60,000 people in our region. Forty percent of those individuals are under age 18. Last year the graduate community donated over one ton of food and a significant amount of money to the Northeast Georgia Food Bank.


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