Katie Foster, 2024 Graduate School Excellence in Research Award Recipient

Katie Foster

(photo courtesy of Katie Foster)

In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainability research, one name shines brightly—Dr. Katie Foster, a postdoctoral researcher who earned her doctorate in Integrative Conservation and Anthropology at the University of Georgia. Recently honored by the UGA Graduate School for her outstanding contributions to research, Foster’s journey is marked by passion, innovation, and a commitment to making a difference.

For Foster, receiving the Excellence in Research Award was not just an acknowledgment of her own achievements but also an opportunity to celebrate the remarkable work of her peers. “It was an honor to be recognized by the Graduate School,” she shared. Throughout her graduate education as a doctoral student of Anthropology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Foster was supported every step of the way by the Graduate School. From funding pre-dissertation fieldwork to providing travel grants for research presentations, Foster was able to take advantage of opportunities offered by the UGA Graduate School to promote the success of graduate students across the university.

When asked about her experience at UGA, Katie stated that so many people had impacted her graduate career – “I am immensely grateful for my advisor, Dr. Laura German, who opened numerous doors for me throughout my graduate career and for Dr. Don Nelson, who introduced me to the wonderful group of researchers at the Network for Engineering with Nature.  I also want to acknowledge the dedicated faculty of the Integrative Conservation (ICON) Ph.D. Program and Department of Anthropology as well as our amazing staff, Talley Vodicka and Margie Floyd, who kept everything running behind the scenes. Tyra Byers, the Director of the Sustainability Certificate Program, has been another valued mentor and colleague. I am consistently impressed by her pedagogical creativity and ability to build long-term ground-breaking partnerships, which has been deeply impactful for students, faculty, and the greater Athens community in the realm of sustainability.”

Katie Foster in the Peruvian Andes

(photo courtesy of Katie Foster)

This award is a testament to the research and impact that Katie has had during her time at UGA, and speaks to the nature of the the Integrative Conservation Ph.D. Program at UGA, which drew Katie to UGA. “The [ICON] program uses an innovative approach to train students to be conversant across disciplines and to develop applied skills for dealing with complex socio-ecological challenges,” she said. “ICON is also a fantastic community of researchers whose work is a constant source of personal and professional inspiration.”

Her dissertation research focused on mining conflicts in the Peruvian Andes and the implementation of international Indigenous rights laws on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. She has written on a variety of conservation issues including global agricultural value chains, third-party environmental certifications, and the illegal wildlife trade. Outside of her academic pursuits, Foster has been involved in policy advocacy at the UN climate negotiations (COP 20, 21, and 28) and worked for several years in the non-profit sector in sustainable urban agriculture, native plant conservation, and environmental education.

Katie Foster at the UN climate negotiations

(photo courtesy of Katie Foster)

Her abiding appreciation for gardens, soils, native plants, and wildlife informs her academic interest in ecological restoration and commitment to teaching about sustainability in its many facets.

As she continues to push the boundaries of sustainability research, Foster’s dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place serve as a beacon of hope for future generations.

The University Graduate School congratulates Katie Foster and looks forward to seeing the impact of her research.

The Excellence in Research award recognizes outstanding research by graduate students. This award is established by the Graduate School in connection with UGA Public Service & Outreach and the Office of Service-Learning. Five awards of $1,000 are given annually, one from each of the following five areas: Fine Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and Professional and Applied Studies. Students who graduate in the calendar year prior to the award being presented at the Annual Research Award banquet in the spring are eligible. Each graduate department may nominate one student and recipients are selected by a faculty committee. Learn more here.



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