The MEd degree is for certified secondary school teachers. This program allows you to upgrade your certificate and, optionally, earn a coaching endorsement. Our program includes courses, field experiences, portfolio project, combines both in-person & online instruction
Degree Type: Masters
Degree Program Code: MED_EDHI_HIO
Degree Program Summary:
Athens: The MEd degree is intended for those who are certified as school mathematics teachers and who wish to enhance their knowledge of mathematics education. The program combines a depth of study of mathematics with the study of mathematics education, educational psychology, and research. The program requires 38 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination. Griffin: The MEd degree is intended for those who are certified as elementary school teachers, middle school mathematics teachers, or special education teachers and who wish to enhance their knowledge of mathematics education. The program combines a depth of study of mathematics with the study of mathematics education, the psychology of learning, and research. The program requires 36 hours of coursework, including an internship in mentoring, and a comprehensive portfolio documenting learning and its impact on instruction.
The Mathematics Education Program offers 5 graduate degrees: the MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching), MEd (Master of Education), MA (Master of Arts), EdS (Specialist in Education), and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). All 5 degrees are offered on the Athens campus and are geared toward people with an interest in the teaching and learning of mathematics in grades 6-12. The MEd and EdS are also offered on the Griffin campus and are geared toward people with an interest in early childhood (preK-5) or middle grades (4-8) education. We also offer a graduate certificate in mathematics education for those pursuing a PhD in mathematics who wish to learn more about mathematics education.
Recognized as a national research leader in the fields of mathematics and science education, this department combines the expertise of its internationally known faculty with the energy and innovation of its rising young scholars. The faculty’s influential research has included topics such as mathematics curricula, research in mathematics education, the history of mathematics curricula and education, emotional dimensions of school mathematics experiences, tools for interactive mathematical material, socio-cultural-political factors that influence science teaching and learning, international science education, psychology of learning science and technology used in mathematics and science education.
Locations Offered:
College / School:
Louise McBee Institute of Higher Education
Meigs Hall
Athens, GA 30602
Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
Graduate Coordinator(s):