The Master of Arts for Teachers degree is designed for students seeking initial certification in career and technical education. Students can choose from six emphasis areas: business, family and consumer sciences, healthcare, marketing, technology, trade and industrial education.
Degree Type: Masters
Degree Program Code: MAT_WKED
Degree Program Summary:
The workforce education program promotes career and technical education and workforce preparation throughout the lifespan by advancing the knowledge base of career and technical education and workforce preparation, preparing professionals for the public and private sectors, and providing quality instruction, research, leadership, service, and policy development.
The mission of the program is to prepare and develop professional educators in the public and private sector and to advance the knowledge base of career and technical education, workforce preparation, and professional development through teaching, research, and service.
Locations Offered:
Athens (Main Campus)
College / School:
Mary Frances Early College of Education
110 Carlton Street
Athens, GA 30602
Workforce Education and Instructional Technology
Graduate Coordinator(s):