Biological Engineering is the application of engineering principles to design solutions for problems related to biological systems. The program provides a rigorous curriculum and innovative research in: Biomaterials, Cell Manufacturing and Modeling.
Degree Type: Masters
Degree Program Code: MS_BIEN
Degree Program Summary:
To develop, adapt, and disseminate knowledge and technologies for engineering and managing biological and agricultural systems.
The MSBE degree provides an opportunity for learning advanced techniques of data analyses and presentation of original research results. Skills in problem definition are also stressed. This degree requires twenty-four semester hours of coursework, including ENGR 6910, Research Methods and one hour of seminar (ENGR 8950). Six hours of thesis research is also required. Nine hours of life science courses identified by the department committee and student are highly encouraged. Math and statistics courses identified by the department committee and student are encouraged. Contact the graduate coordinator for additional details.
Locations Offered:
Athens (Main Campus)
College / School:
College of Engineering
597 D. W. Brooks Drive
Athens, GA 30602
Chemical, Materials and Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Coordinator(s):