GradUP: Career Navigation Resources

Beyond the Professoriate is a tool with learning modules to guide you through preparing for each stage of career transitions for academic and non-academic track, in STEM, Humanities, and Social Science fields.


UGA Career Center logo

The Career Center provides a wide variety of services to graduate and professional students. The resources help new and progressing graduate students explore job market opportunities, prepare for applying, build their networks, interview successfully and more.


The Graduate Experiential Professional Development (xPD) Internship Program is designed to help doctoral students explore a diverse range of career opportunities beyond traditional academic faculty roles in departments across the UGA campus.



GradUP: Communication Resources

The Data Studio @ Main is a dynamic hub for interdisciplinary research collaboration and learning. This instructional lab located in the Main Library provides UGA students, faculty, and staff with a technology-enhanced environment to enhance their research data-related knowledge and skills.



The GradFIRST seminar series supplements discipline-specific training in graduate students’ academic programs with focused professional development and engagement/networking opportunities with faculty and other graduate students across UGA’s campuses. GradFIRST seminars are 1-credit courses (GRSC 7001) taught by UGA graduate program faculty.


The Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing offers support to students, faculty, and staff on a wide variety of writing projects. Our services are free of cost and available to all UGA writers.


The Office for Student Success and Achievement provides essential support to thousands of students each academic year through academic well-being, student learning, community building, and leadership development opportunities. They offer a wide array of services, initiatives, programs, and courses, catering to the needs of current and prospective students.



GradUP: Leadership & Collaboration Resources


The GradFIRST seminar series supplements discipline-specific training in graduate students’ academic programs with focused professional development and engagement/networking opportunities with faculty and other graduate students across UGA’s campuses. GradFIRST seminars are 1-credit courses (GRSC 7001) taught by UGA graduate program faculty.


The J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, a unit of Public Service and Outreach at the University of Georgia, is dedicated to strengthening communities, organizations, and individuals through leadership development, training, and education.


All UGA students, faculty and staff have free access to LinkedInLearning with their MyID. Get trained in the latest software, improve your business and communication skills and ramp up your creative thinking with an online training library of more than 16,000 courses.



GradUP: Research & Scholarship Resources

The Data Studio @ Main is a dynamic hub for interdisciplinary research collaboration and learning. This instructional lab located in the Main Library provides UGA students, faculty, and staff with a technology-enhanced environment to enhance their research data-related knowledge and skills.



The GradFIRST seminar series supplements discipline-specific training in graduate students’ academic programs with focused professional development and engagement/networking opportunities with faculty and other graduate students across UGA’s campuses. GradFIRST seminars are 1-credit courses (GRSC 7001) taught by UGA graduate program faculty.


The University Libraries strive to help members of the UGA community and scholars everywhere on their path to discovery.


All UGA students, faculty and staff have free access to LinkedInLearning with their MyID. Get trained in the latest software, improve your business and communication skills and ramp up your creative thinking with an online training library of more than 16,000 courses.


Navigating the research opportunities and support services at a new university can be overwhelming, and the UGA Office of Research is here to help by offering programs such as Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training.



GradUP: Teaching & Mentoring Resources

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is devoted to the advancement of instructional excellence and efficacy, in pursuit of engaging and transformative learning experiences for all University of Georgia students.


The Data Studio @ Main is a dynamic hub for interdisciplinary research collaboration and learning. This instructional lab located in the Main Library provides UGA students, faculty, and staff with a technology-enhanced environment to enhance their research data-related knowledge and skills.


The UGA Mentor Program, the University’s first comprehensive mentorship initiative, is a digital platform which allows students to form mentoring relationships and/or schedule 15-30 minute Quick Chats (formerly known as informational interviews) with UGA Mentors (faculty, staff, and alumni), regardless of geographic location, who can help make their future a little clearer.


GradUP: Well-being Resources

Accessibility and Testing (formerly the Disability Resource Center) strives to assist the University of Georgia in educating and serving students with disabilities who qualify for admissions and provide centralized testing and evaluation services for all students, faculty, and the surrounding community. We ensure equal educational opportunities as required by the ADA, and strive to promote a welcoming environment for students with disabilities at UGA.


Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) is your go-to campus resource for emotional, social, and behavioral health support. We provide brief, goal-focused services and there is no out-of-pocket cost for most services (for students who pay the health fee and bill insurance). Our team is here to help you find the best fit for service, whether that be CAPS individual, couples, or group counseling, psychiatry, or coordinating with our amazing case management team for assistance in finding off-campus resources.


With the department of Engagement, Leadership, and Service (ELS), students can join student organizations, participate in and lead service opportunities, engage with leadership trainings and content, coordinate and attend multiple events on campus, and so much more.


The Love and Money Center, formerly the ASPIRE Clinic, strives to support and facilitate innovative clinical training, client services, and outreach programs that enhance the relational and financial health of individuals, couples, and families. Our low- to no-cost services are provided by UGA students under supervision


UGA Recreational Sports which provides a wide range of physical activities, designed specifically for the UGA community, to help fight the stress of school and life. We encourage everyone to take a break, be active and have fun with one of our many program offerings.


Student Care & Outreach strives to coordinate care and assistance for all students, undergraduate and graduate, who experience complex, hardship, and/or unforeseen circumstances, by providing individualized assistance and tailored interventions.


The University Health Center is your on-campus health and wellness provider, promoting health and well-being through primary, specialty, and mental health care, as well as wellness services and outreach.


University Union events are some of the biggest events on campus! Our mission is to create entertaining experiences by providing inclusive, quality activities for the student body at UGA.




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